Let’s Talk About It…
Kanbar Campus Center 4201 Henry Avenue, Philadelphia, United StatesThis event is SOLD OUT! Join local Parkinson's providers and experts for an in-person educational gathering (with lunch) as they share tips, tools, resources, and best practices designed to answer the "What next?" questions about living with Parkinson's disease. Conversation topics include: Navigating intimacy and family roles, including changing parent/child/spouse relationship dynamics. How do you […]
Free Educational Event for People with Parkinson’s and Carepartners
Philadelphia Convention Center 1101 Arch Street, Philadelphia, United StatesThe Parkinson Council is proud to partner with the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society to kick off their International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders® in Philadelphia (September 27th - October 1st) for a FREE community-focused event on September 26th at the Philadelphia Convention Center. While the Congress draws Movement Disorders specialists and […]