Latest Past Events
Community Education hosted by DIVERSITY PD
VirtualDiVERSity PD (Delaware Valley Endeavor for Racial Solidarity in PD) is excited... to host our first educational event in collaboration with Salem Baptist Church in Abington and the Davis Phinney Foundation, September 29th at 12pm. The hour-long event will focus on Parkinson's and Alzheimer's and will be live-streamed on Salem Baptist Church's YouTube Channel and […]
Education Event: Why Am I Always Tired?
VirtualUnrelenting fatigue for people living with Parkinson's zaps energy and concentration and impacts how you get through your day. Join local experts as they discuss fatigue and sleep disorders with Parkinson's and what you can do to combat this typical non-motor symptom of Parkinson's. Local experts Dr. Ian Walker and Julia Wood will also share how pain in Parkinson's can interrupt […]
Find Your Balance: Mindfulness, Meditation, and Yoga
VirtualJoin mindfulness expert Diane Reibel, PhD (Director of the Myrna Brind Center for Mindfulness at the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health-Jefferson Health) and yoga therapist Theresa Conroy as they share the importance of finding balance in moments of uncertainty. Click here to register